Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Mind has Made the Switch

This morning I awoke almost like any other morning here in Fisi-Camp (Fisi is Swahili for hyena). Amidst the whoops of hyenas, roars and growls of lions, and elephants being their usual destructive selves, I briefly remembered the dream I was having.

Under normal circumstances, it would have been unexciting and very blasé. In this dream I was driving a car, following another car to go do some laundry. I know, sounds boring. However, it wasn’t where I was driving, but how I was driving. In my dream I was sitting on the right side of the car, and driving on the left side of the road. In Kenya, as some of you may know or remember, this is the correct orientation. Different from the states and Mexico (the 2 other places I’ve driven), who both drive on the right side of the road and sit on the left side of the car.

My mind has made the switch; I am now living, thinking, and dreaming on Kenyan terms. My Swahili is improving at a rapid pace, and I’m actually thinking about shaving my hair. This is a huge deal for me considering I’ve never shaved my head, and until now, the thought would never have crossed my mind. But here in Kenya, everyone has shaved heads, and my flowing locks of mahogany actually put some people off.

I can already tell that I’m growing a deep appreciation and connection to this place. I feel very comfortable and at ease. I can’t imagine how hard it will be to say goodbye in April.

PS: Did I tell you I’m having goat tonight for dinner?


  1. Good to know you're starting to get used to it all :) You should blog about the African cuisine--that's really waht I'm most passionate about, hahahhaha.

  2. Shave your head and go with the flow. Don't do anything more crazy than head shaving.

    I will try to register properly tomorrow.

